Interpret Spirometry Data (SPARKvue)

How do I analyze and interpret data collected from a PASCO spirometer? Recorded with SPARKvue v4.6.

Introduction [0:00]
Drift in Data [0:30]
TV: Tidal Volume [1:00]
FVC: Forced Vital Capacity [1:50]
FEV1: Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 second [2:10]
FEV1:FVC Ratio [2:54]
IC: Inspiratory Capacity [3:13]
IRV Inspiratory Reserve Volume [3:27]
ERV: Expiratory Reserve Volume [3:40]
RV: (estimated) Residual Volume [3:55]
FRV: (estimated) Functional Residual Volume [4:18]
TLC: (estimated) Total Lung Capacity [4:30]
Flow Volume Loop [4:55]
Max Flow Rate [7:37]
PEFR: Peak Expiratory Flow Rate [7:43]

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